Registration Form (by invitation only) Javascript is required for this form to work properly >> Payment is made after "SUBMIT EVENT REGISTRATION" is clicked. Details will be provided. << * Required About You First Name*: Required field Last Name*: Required field E-Mail*: Required field Phone*: Required field Address*: Required field City*: Required field Prov/State*: Required field Postal Code*: Required field Date of Birth*: Required field Your Objectives: Previous Driving Courses*: Required field Skill Level*: NoviceIntermediateAdvanced Required field Helmet*: I will bring my own helmetContact me about a rental Required field Your Vehicle Year/Make/Model*: Required field Transmission*: Manual stick shiftPaddle shiftAutomatic Required field Modifications: Car Colour*: Required field License plate*: Required field Save with Interac e-Transfer! Pick your pricing and payment method - save with Interac e-Transfer! Interac e-Transfer or Credit Card / PayPal Temporarily unavailable Event Selection >> Go to Spring Fling Race Academy Registration << Best Driver Program Racer Development Novice Intermediate Advanced Racer Development Racer Observation Race Master 2025 Dates TBA Registration price: + 13% HST >> Payment is made after "SUBMIT EVENT REGISTRATION" is clicked. Details will be provided. << Information and Privacy Policy The purpose for collecting driver and payee information is to allow us to conduct the Brack Driving Concepts (Organizer) programs effectively. The primary uses are to enrol and classify a driver as a participant; secondary uses are for insurance and liability purposes (as applicable). Except to insurance and legal representatives, regulatory bodies where necessary, or where permitted by privacy legislation, the Organizer will not disclose personal information to third parties without your consent. Unless directed otherwise in writing the Organizer may advise you of future driving events using the contact information provided. By submitting this application form I consent to the use and disclosure of this information in accordance with the Privacy Statement; to you obtaining a report from any driving schools I listed as having previously attended, as to my attendance/performance at them. I also authorize the use of any testimonial, picture taken of myself and/or my vehicle while participating in a Brack Driving Concepts program, for promotional purposes, without restriction. Drivers under age 19 are required to have additional waivers completed with their parent/guardian, one of whom has to be at the event. Email for appropriate waiver forms. Please fill in the code displayed here: Required field